About me

I am a Senior UX Designer with a flair for creativity. I bring my expertise and interests to Athlon Studio, a thriving hub of talented individuals located in the bustling city of Toronto. With over five years of experience, I am dedicated to elevating the art of design and crafting experiences that resonate with the collective human consciousness and cultural emotions.

I am a lifelong learner, practitioner, and writer, driven by the belief that every product and service must go beyond mere user convenience and delight. My focus is on becoming a master of design, creating experiences that are not only functional but also reflective of our ever-evolving world.

I strive to create a system of growth and flexibility, ensuring that products and brands remain true to the times and the shifting human mindset. By embracing this approach, I wish to create designs that are not only innovative but also timeless.

I am also...

I have been an ardent fan of the abstract. I deeply enjoy exploring the impossible and unlocking the unexplainable ideas trapped in my mind using art as a medium of expression. My favourite media are pen-and-paper and digital.

An artist
A travel enthusiast

Exploring with awe, encountering new cultures, embracing nature and appreciating local cuisines have always been my passion. Seeing the world with a fresh pair of eyes has helped me develop my unique perspectives, enjoy the details and learn from any kind of experience.

An novice writer

I am a writing contributor to UX Planet and UX Design Bootcamp. I have realised the importance of expressing and sharing my thoughts, processes and ideas with the larger community. This has allowed me to learn from and build on a larger net of experiences.

My Philosophy

As designers, our goal is not just to deliver user-centred products. However, it is also about identifying how our product can echo the evolving culture and social principles such as diversity, inclusivity, equality, and more. Moreover, it is about building a system of evolution that allows a product to change and stay relevant to the time and collective mindsets.

Living experiences over stagnant mindsets
Innovate by mixing the dreamers and the realists

A dreamer mindset alone is free-spirited and exploratory and the best in coming up with new, exciting and bizarre ideas. On the other hand, a realist mindset pursues logically sound concepts. By combining these two mindsets created through enhanced work culture, we become efficient in the discovery of innovative ideas.

Learning to improve upon 
the existing

It is essential designers follow a process from the research to delivery phases. However, it is important to remember that every idea, concept or teachings have room for growth. It is vital to have an experimental mindset and an accepting culture to try something new, fail, learn from it and try something new again.